Natural Detox to Enhanced Your Well-being

In Calgary’s modern, high-speed society, coping with stress and physical tension has emerged as a daily challenge for numerous individuals. Impactful and time-efficient methods to unwind and rejuvenate the body have never been more imperative. Pressotherapy, also known as, Lymphatic Drainage has emerged as an innovative technique for its capacity to enhance circulation, alleviate fluid retention, and offer a range of health benefits. Explore Pressotherapy’s  innovations and discover how it can serve as a transformative inclusion in your health and wellness regimen.


What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is an essential component of your body’s immune system, consisting of a complex network of tissues and organs that aid in the elimination of toxins and waste. It consists of a series of vessels that transport fluid throughout the body. A well-functioning lymphatic system is essential in facilitating the body’s immune responses and ensuring overall health and well-being.

What is Pressotherapy and Lymphatic Drainage?

Pressotherapy, also known as Lymphatic Drainage, is a massage technique that stimulates your body’s naturally occurring lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. This non-invasive procedure applies gentle pressure to mimic the biological movements of the lymphatic system, facilitating the elimination of toxins, excess fluids, and waste products from the body. Contact our Calgary Health Clinic to discover if Pressotherapy is right for you.

Benefits of Pressotherapy at Divergent Health Calgary Clinic

Enhanced Recovery from Sprains and Strains

Pressotherapy promotes improved blood flow throughout the body, aiding in better oxygenation and enhanced recovery.


The gentle pressure applied during Pressotherapy stimulates lymphatic drainage, facilitating the removal of toxins and waste products from the body.

Improve Muscle Tone

Enhanced circulation encourages the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles, aiding in their overall health and tone.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

The rhythmic pressure applied during pressotherapy sessions induces relaxation, helping to ease muscle tension and promote an overall sense of well-being.

How Does Pressotherapy Work?

Pressotherapy works by applying compression to the body using specialized sleeves or a body suit. These devices are designed with separate chambers that inflate and deflate to exert a gentle massage-like pressure on the limbs or body.

The compression mimics the natural movement of the lymphatic system, facilitating the removal of toxins, excess fluids, and waste products from the body. By enhancing lymphatic and blood circulation, Pressotherapy can help reduce swelling, promote detoxification, and alleviate water retention.

Pressotherapy can be combined with other treatments such as Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy at Divergent’s Calgary Clinic for optimal well-being.

What to expect from your Pressotherapy Treatment at our Calgary Clinic

Before your treatment, we recommend drinking plenty of water to aid in the elimination of toxins from your system. You will be given disposable garments to wear while being fitted into a specially designed suit or sleeves. The machine will apply gentle pressure using compressed air, creating a soothing sensation similar to a massage. The process is painless, allowing you to return to your regular activities immediately after the treatment.

Pressotherapy Detox Appointments in Calgary

From improved circulation to detoxification and relaxation, discover the transformative benefits of non-invasive Pressotherapy treatment. Contact our Calgary clinic a call at 587-325-0253 and embark on a journey to a renewed sense of well-being.