What Is Rapid Neurofascial Reset?

RAPID NeuroFascial Reset is a neurologically-based, active therapeutic technique that addresses the central nervous system’s role in alleviating tension and restrictions within the body. RAPID is ideal for both acute and chronic conditions. Divergent Health is pleased to offer this evidence-based therapy technique to quickly and effectively eliminate pain for our Calgary patients.

Neurological Hypersensitivity

RAPID uses a Utilizing a biopsychosocial strategy to address the body’s perception of threat and danger. By condition your brain to safety, most painful conditions and range of motion restrictions disappear.

Using nociception sensory stimulation and movement, RAPID reduced inhibition within the nervous system. Your body experiences vasodilation, the relaxation and widening of blood vessels resulting in increased blood flow and oxygen. These together offer near immediate and lasting pain reduction in our patients.

Some of the conditions that can be quickly resolved with RAPID-NFR include:

What are RAPID treatments like?

RAPID Therapists use a a combination of hands on palpation, examination, and treatment. Divergent’s expert clinicians palpates the tissues with his or her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Hypersensitive areas are treated by combining precisely directed depth,  tension with very specific patient movements.

RAPID sessions may be uncomfortable, this occurs as the neurological system is being stimulated to restore normal function.

Legacy Injuries

By applying RAPID, we can flush these areas. Results are increase in hormones such as endogenous opioids and cannabinoids as well as create an influx of nervous system neuropeptides. These are known to destroy neuroimmunological factors and desensitizes the nervous system

By applying RAPID, we can flush these areas. Results are increase in hormones such as endogenous opioids and cannabinoids as well as create an influx of nervous system neuropeptides. These are known to destroy neuroimmunological factors and desensitizes the nervous system

RAPID Neuro-Fascial Appointments

Our Calgary patients choose RAPID because of the quick response to treatment. This helps active individuals get back to life. Call 587-325-0253 and get started today.