Reviews From Our Satisfied Patients

We value our patients’ experience at Divergent Innovative Health Care.

I'm very satisfied with the treatment from Divergent Healthcare for 5 treatments, thank-you. no more pain. feel 100% good.
Dr. Nanda is one of the most professional and accommodating doctors I’ve met! I had severe back pain for almost a year and had pretty much given up—but I got the help I needed at Divergent Healthcare. Would definitely recommend.
My migraines were the death of me. They had minor triggers that left me unproductive and unable to do anything for hours on end. The experts at Divergent Health Group were able to figure out what the symptoms pointed toward and helped me out with a range of treatments. So much better these days.
After I fell down a flight of stairs back in October, my shoulder and upper arm refused to function. Tried everything, nothing worked. But just as I’d lost hope, I came across Divergent Health Group’s shockwave therapy. This treatment has not only restored my movement, but it has also alleviated my pain!
My chronic fatigue had been worsening every day until I came across Divergent Health’s massage therapy services. Danny, their massage therapist, has helped me get through it on some of my worst days.
I was suffering from a chronic back pain condition for the past three years, presumably because of all the 12-hour code writing sessions my job put me through. My friend suggested chiropractic adjustments from Divergent Health. I’m glad I listened to him. I feel better than ever after just a few sessions. Very satisfied!
My daughter had an accident and suffered musculoskeletal injuries as a result. Divergent Health carefully evaluated her injuries and suggested a combination of physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment. They were really helpful and restored her hand to its full range of movement. I’m so grateful.
We’re getting my son treated for his headaches here. He’s been getting them for a while now, and the doctor here quickly identified that it was a problem with his eyesight. So glad we got it sorted out quickly. I was getting worried.